Product FAQs

Q. How are the leads being generated?

A: Nutanix Expansion Explorer periodically scans for clusters that are calling back home via Pulse & Insights, and checks if any of the existing customer clusters need a tech refresh. Version 1.0 looks for clusters that need a full tech refresh, subsequent versions of the product will also identify clusters that need a partial node refresh.

Q. How is the “Potential ACV” calculated for the lead?

A: The Potential ACV for a lead is calculated by applying a standard discount on NCI Pro licenses needed for the recommended hardware with Production level support.

Q. How is the “Recommended Sizing” generated?

A: Nutanix Expansion Explorer gathers the workloads that are being run on the clusters that need full tech refresh. Once the workload requirements are gathered, those are then fed to Nutanix Sizer. Sizer then comes up with an optimal solution to run those workloads on the latest NX generation hardware.

Q. Can I see how the solution looks for other hardware vendors?

A: Yes, you can change the hardware vendor of your preferred choice. You can change the hardware vendor on the Sizer scenario to any of the 18+ vendors possible in Sizer including NC2 on AWS and NC2 on Azure.

Q. Why can’t I edit the Sizer Scenario associated with the lead generated by Expansion Explorer?

A: The Sizer Scenario associated with the lead is generated by the system user, “Expansion Explorer” and used for reference. You would need to “Clone” the scenario to edit the workloads and/or solution.

Q. Why can’t I find a few G5/G6 clusters that belong to my account?

A: There are a couple of reasons why you may be missing G5/G6 clusters

  • The clusters are not calling back the data home via Nutanix Pulse & Insights
  • The clusters have other non-G5/G6 generation nodes within them
  • The clusters are already running CBL licenses and there is no incentive for sales reps

Subsequent releases of the product are going to identify clusters that contain a mix of NX-G5/G6 and other generation nodes. For now, you can email us at or Slack us via #expansion-explorer to generate the leads for you.

Q. How can the Account Owner view the leads already accepted?

A: All accepted leads are moved to the “Accepted” tab, the “Accepted” tab also shows the SEs who are working on the leads. The “Open” tab shows the leads that are new and yet to be acted upon by the Account Owner.

Q. Can I discard an already accepted lead?

A: Yes, if you are the Account Owner you can discard an already accepted lead using the action “Discard”.

Q. How can I view the lead that I discarded by mistake?

A: Unfortunately, you can’t view discarded leads. We do plan to have the option to restore discarded leads in the future. For now, you can reach out to us via Slack or email and we can bring back your discarded lead under the “Open” tab.

Q. How can I update the SE associated with the lead?

A: Both the Account Owner & SE can update the Systems Engineer associated with the lead via the “Reassign” option.

Q. Does Nutanix Expansion Explorer autogenerate SFDC opportunities for discovered leads?

A: No, we do not autogenerate SFDC opportunities. You will have to create an opportunity on your own.

Q. Can I link an existing SFDC opportunity to my leads?

A: Currently, we don’t have the option to create or link an existing SFDC opportunity to the lead in Nutanix Expansion Explorer.

Q. How can I assign the lead to a Partner?

A: The leads generated via Expansion Explorer contain customer confidential data gathered via Nutanix Insights. At this moment, we are not authorized to pass this information to any 3rd party outside Nutanix. We are working with the Legal team to have a process in place to open up passing recommendations to Partners.

Q. When are we going to open up the product for Partners?

A: We are currently working with the Legal team to have a process in place to open the product to Partners. We are going to pilot with a limited set of Partners at GA subject to Legal approval.

Q. When will Nutanix Expansion Explorer GA?

A: Nutanix Expansion Explorer will during SKO, 22-25 Aug. On the Monday following SKO, all Account Owners should be able to view leads if any of their existing accounts’ G5/G6 clusters need a full hardware refresh.

Q. Why is the “Potential Deal Size” of the lead showing as 0?

A: The supply chain situation is pretty volatile and sometimes the hardware parts recommended by Sizer aren’t quotable. This can lead to failure when trying to fetch the deal size. We recommend you clone the scenario and try generating the Frontline or budgetary quote. Failure in the generation of the quote should guide you to the next step and help determine the potential deal size. Feel free to reach out to us via Slack or email in case this does not resolve the issue.

Q. Is there any enablement content for Expansion Explorer?

A: Yes, we have a course on Nutanix University – Nutanix Expansion Explorer

Q. Where can I report issues in the product?

A: You can email us at or Slack us via #expansion-explorer

Q. How can I give feedback and suggestion?

A: You can slack us at #expansion-explorer or email us at You can also feel free to reach the Product Manager via email or Slack.

Sizer 6.0

Sizer 6.0 is the latest version of Sizer (GA – 10th June’2022)

Why Sizer 6.0 ?

As the use cases and adoption of HCI increases and broadens to diverse workloads, the precise sizing and capacity planning becomes more complex requiring deep technical expertise on multiple fronts, including Nutanix technology and the workload being sized for.  However, as Nutanix scales further in commercial and enterprise segments leveraging a vast partner ecosystem, being updated with the latest on Nutanix technology and sizing nuances can pose a challenge.

Sizer 6.0 is addressing this challenge by building capabilities within the tool which would allow users to leverage the technical expertise, driving  consistency and uniformity in sizings/solutions across users, whether internal or partner, and relatively independent of their technical expertise.

The other aspect of Sizer 6.0 is to align with changing nature of cloud deployments. With the businesses moving from pure public cloud  to a mix of public and private (Multi cloud), its important that the related ecosystems and tools align with the new changing .

Sizer 6.0 is built for the Multi cloud era. It can provide on-prem or public cloud solutions or a mix of on-prem and public cloud solution options and let users compare the solution and its pricing and decide on their cloud deployment model.



Whats New?


There are three major highlights to Sizer 6.0 which completely redefines the sizing as it is done today.

1. Cluster templates and libraries: 

  • Expert library of profiles based on best practices 
  • User created profiles based on customer or deployment preferences

2. Multi cloud approach to solutions

  • Enabling workloads for on-prem, bare metal public cloud or a combination(hybrid)
  • Compare budgets for different solutions

3. Workflow redesigned (focused on cluster)

  • Workload -> Clusters -> Solution


Sizer 6.0 features : Deep dive

1. Cluster templates and Expert libraries: 

What is a cluster templates? 

Sizer 6.0 has come up with a concept of cluster profiles. These are specific cluster settings for a sizing.  The cluster profile is user-defined and users can create as many profiles as needed by giving the profiles a unique name.

How does creating a cluster template help ? 

Different types of workloads have different preferences for the recommended solution. For example – a Database cluster would be quite different from a VDI cluster. Whereas a DB cluster would almost always be All Flash or for some SEs even prefer All NVMe nodes, a hybrid node for VDI cluster would be sufficient in most cases. These are different options in the cluster settings that can be set for the given workload by the users.

Another example is preferred set of models. Some customers would like to go with certain models (already existing in their environment) or filter out certain models (for ex: 1065 as it is single SSD).

Currently, SEs change these filters and preferred options in the cluster settings page every time for a new scenario/sizing.

With Sizer 6.0, Nutanix SEs and partners can save these settings (as a cluster template) and use it for future sizings.

For example: There are certain settings a user typically prefer for Oracle

1. Nodes have to be All Flash (or NVMe)

2. Should be a hot processor (>3.0GHz)

3. Only certain models (NX-8050 , NX-8070)

SEs can save an Oracle cluster profile with these settings and import this profile every time they size for an Oracle workload. This helps avoid repeating the settings every time making the sizing process faster and consistent.

Power of Cluster template/Expert Library:

Leveraging Nutanix expertise: 

Why care?


  • Focus on the Workloads with the customer and then let your preferred cluster settings control Auto sizing and yield strong solution


  • Can get more consistency across wide range of Sizer users
  • You don’t have to know all 18 vendors in Sizer (focus on workloads and software and less on HW)
  • Can easily compare multiple vendors

Brings uniformity to solutioning

  • Across different user persona(expert, moderate, beginner)
  • Across internal SEs and partners
  • Removes the need to be Nutanix technology expert or expert of the workload being sized(eg Database)

How do I create a cluster template?

There are two ways to create a user-defined cluster profile in Sizer.

  • Directly creating cluster profile from user preferences
  • Saving an existing cluster setting as profile while doing a sizing

Steps for creating user defined templates:

  • Directly creating template from user preferences

Go to the User icon on the top right corner and click cluster template (pic 1)

Under ‘My Templates’ , click on ‘Create Template’

Click on Create in the next screen (shown below)


Next, on the cluster settings screen, enter a name for the profile (eg Database cluster template) and select settings (certain CPUs, CVM allocations, preferred platforms and many more attributes shown in next section)

Click “Review” and then “Save” the profile which starts showing in the Cluster template dashboard (shown below)

  • Save Template while creating the scenario

To provide flexibility and for users to be ‘in context’ while creating/saving a template, additionally, an option in Sizer is to save a particular cluster setting done for a current sizing/opportunity as a template for applying in future for a similar opportunity or workload type.

This is provided as an option “Save Template” in the cluster settings page. It saves the current settings in the page (user needed to provide a name for the template)  as shown:



Cluster profile attributes:

Below is the list of attributes and filters which can be set for the cluster profiles based on the requirement of the cluster/customer.

Cluster Profile attributes sample values
Data Center models / Robo Models NX 1065-G8/1075S/3060…
Minimum CPU Freq(in GHz) 1.7
CVM per Node
         Cores(physical) 4
         RAM 28
Cluster type Homogeneous
Failover Standard(N+1)
Storage Any
Sizer Policy Production
Threshold %
       CPU 85%
      RAM 85%
      SSD 85%
     HDD 85%
Minimum Networking speed 10G
Minimum SSD per node 1
Minimum socket per node 1
CVM : vCPU:pcore 2
Compression % (default) 30%

Cluster settings UI in Sizer:

What is an Expert Library ?

Expert library is exactly same as the cluster profiles except that instead of the users defining the cluster profiles themselves, these profiles are created by experts in their respective areas.

The Expert library of cluster profiles is  listed by workloads.  For ex: Database experts know best what an Oracle cluster should look like and apply the settings accordingly. Similarly, there are libraries for VDI, Files , General purpose Server Virtualisation etc.

SEs and partners would just need to apply these libraries during creating a sizing for the respective workload/s  from the cluster settings page (explained in detail in next section).

Expert Library is a separate tab next to the user defined cluster profile in Sizer.

How to use Cluster profiles/Expert libraries ? 

While creating a sizing, on the cluster settings page, click on ‘Apply cluster template’ which pops up the list of user defined profiles and expert libraries. SEs can select any and have a quick view of the set attributes and hit apply. This will automatically select values in the cluster settings screen for the scenario which is being sized.

Similarly, as shown in the below image, using the Save template button, a new Profile can be saved from the cluster settings page of a scenario being sized. This becomes handy for leveraging the work done in manually setting the filters for current sizing for future reference for a new sizing.

For example: If an SE is sizing for a customer BestBuy which prefers certain NX models , SE would need to select only those models in platform list in the Cluster settings page for the given scenario. At the same time, they can save this as a template (say naming it as BestBuy template) and can apply every time when sizing for BestBuy opportunity.

List/View/Apply Cluster template while creating a sizing:



2. Multi cloud solutions:


 The world is moving to a hybrid multi-cloud era where customers would be able to choose between different cloud options based on the requirements and data privacy or regulatory needs.   There may be specific applications or chunks of data that would need to sit on-prem and other applications that could embrace public cloud.

Sizer 6.0 is designed to support this hybrid multi cloud solutions. Prior to 6.0, sizer could either recommend a on-prem HCI solution or on cloud (Clusters on AWS). So the deployments had to be either/or in terms of opting between private cloud/HCI or going public with Clusters on AWS/Azure.

Multi cloud use cases supported in Sizer:

There are several use cases for multi cloud which is supported by Sizer.

For example:

  • Primary workload on on-prem HCI , DR for the same on Clusters on AWS

As you can see from the image below, with Sizer 6.0, we can build a on-prem HCI (on NX ) for primary VDI cluster and a DR setup for this cluster on public cloud(Clusters on AWS), all in the same solution/scenario.

How does supporting multi cloud in Sizer help? 

As seen from the above example, the ability to choose different cloud vendor (and even different HW vendor for HCI) brings flexibility in creating the right solution.   With prior versions, Sizer would force one solution/cloud for both the clusters, the primary VDI and the DR.  So either both VDI and DR clusters would be on on-prem NX or both have to be on public cloud.

However, since DR is emerging as a good initial se case for Clusters on public cloud, while the primary workload still needs to be on-prem for various reasons, it only makes it imperative for the solutioning tools to be able to come up with a multi cloud approach recommending the right cloud for the workload in context.

BOM and Budgetary quoting for Multi Cloud


Prior to Sizer 6.0,  even when the scenario had more than 1 cluster (multi cluster with same HW vendor), the licenses in the BOM and the SKUs and pricing in the Budgetary quote were aggregated across all clusters.

With 6.0, one big change is that the licenses for SW and the HW BOM and the $$ value are split and broken up by Cluster.

This is particularly helpful in the Multi cloud era as it gives insights into the individual cluster’s  cost. While deciding between a mix of on-prem and public cloud options , having the visibility of the costs by cluster for a multi cluster solution would help in estimating the budget and also help in making the decision on the various cloud options

In the image below, there are two clusters:

The primary workload VDI in on-prem on NX and the DR is on public cloud(NC2 on AWS).

Both are listed separately in the BOM and Budgetary quote to give an insight into the license requirement and $$ value for on-prem and cloud deployment.

Multi cluster quoting is also supported for Budgetary quote giving the split of the $$ across the on-prem and cloud.

Each cluster can be expanded to get the break-up across SW/HW as shown below:


The frontline quote also can be seen split by Clusters as shown:

3. Workflow redesigned (focused on cluster)

Sizer 6.0 brings back focus on cluster settings.  Until now, users provided the workload inputs and sizer used to pick the solution based on default cluster settings. However, there are many preferences/filters are available to tweak the clusters to a desired solution. Those were still possible with Sizer 5.0 but as a back step on clicking modify after the default solution was recommended by sizer. This led users to directly switch to manual mode instead and miss out on the precise auto recommendation. The new release will take into account the users desired preference for cluster (ex: certain set of cpus or node types or thresholds etc) for recommending the default solution, thereby reducing the steps  including the need to switch to manual mode and bring the solution closer to their desired preference in one go.

The new flow thus becomes:

Workload inputs -> Clusters settings  ->  Solutions 

The “Save and Review” button on the workload input screen is a mandatory flow which takes to the cluster settings page. Users can choose the vendor as well as any other preference for the cluster before hitting next for the desired solution.

Another benefit of this flow is that users can readily use the templates (newly introduced concept as explained in section 1 above) . Clicking the apply templates will pop-up the option of importing their own or expert cluster template for this sizing during/in the sizing process.

Note that Sizer will mandate reviewing the cluster settings (bring cluster settings UI in the flow) only when the cluster is being created the first time. When adding more workloads to an existing cluster, this step is skipped as user would have already set the preferences during creating the cluster initially.  They can always edit any of the preferences as many times as desired by going to the cluster settings UI upon clicking “modify” button from the solution screen.

Sizer 6.0 demos

Cluster Templates-16Jan2023


Cluster Template: 

Multi Cloud solutions:

Workflow Redesign:


Expert Library:

Collector 4.1

Nutanix Collector 4.1 release is focused on the stability of the data collection, enhancements & bug fixes. Below is a summary of the changes. 


Following are the feature enhancements made in this release:

  • ONTAP CIFS Shares

Collector can now identify the storage associated with CIFS Share Home Directories

“Search Path” column is added for CIFS shares configured as home directories, this helps in mapping Volume associated with Home Directories

  • Added Support to report Storage associated via Volume Groups

VolumeGroups sheet now reports all the volume groups that are associated with the discovered VMs – 

vDisk sheet now reports the vDisks that are part of Volume Group. Additional columns under vDisk are – Volume Group Name, Volume Group Disk, Volume Group Shared, Disk UUID, Volume Group UUID

vmList sheet now reports if the VM has Volume Groups attached. Additional columns under vmList are – Volume Group Attached, Volume Group Capacity (MiB) & Volume Group Consumed (MiB)

  • Added support to gather multiple NICs associated with a VM via Prism Element

If a VM supports multiple Network Interface Cards (NICs), the Collector output exported as an XLSX shows all the supported NICs in the vNetwork tab.


The below enhancements are available in Collector Portal as part of his release

  • Collector Portal now supports a simple 1-click option to export NetApp ONTAP projects to Size Nutanix Files

Export to Sizer is supported for Collections gathered via Collector 4.1 and later versions

Export to XLSX is supported for Collections irrespective of Collector version

  • When exporting data to Sizer, the “Provisioned Capacity” is the default storage selection

Users are free to switch to “Consumed Capacity”

Defaulting to “Provisioned Capacity” is applied for both compute based workloads and Netapp ONTAP capacity workloads

  • Optimized the process of fetching VM information when dealing with a large number (1K+) of VMs
  • Improved the histogram chart under the VMs Summary tab by ignoring the powered OFF VMs when showing the distribution of VMs by CPU utilization. 
  • Collector provides a specific error message and suggests actions when the user is not registered on the Sizer portal and tries to export Collector Project to Sizer. 


The following issues are resolved in this release:

  • Resolved an issue where the Collector Portal was unable to generate an XLSX file when NetApp ONTAP Volume did not report Consumed Capacity & Snapshot Reserved Capacity.
  • Significantly improved the time taken to gather information via Prism when Collector is unable to gather Guest OS information.
  • Resolved an issue with Data Collection when gathering data via Prism due to the failure of Prism APIs. 
  • Resolved the cluster connection issue when trying to gather data via the Prism version AOS 5.15.4
  • Data collection completes successfully when clusters intermittently fail to report performance data.  
  • Resolved an issue in collecting the vNetwork data for AOS (AHV – 20201105.2244) and higher versions.
  • Resolved the data center name identified by the Collector for the Prism Element clusters.


Short Demo link: Collector ONTAP Export to Sizer


Simplify your requirement gathering by downloading Collector

Download Collector via Collector Login Page

Public URL: Collector Download Link for Prospects

MyNutanix URL: Collector Download Link for MyNutanix Users 

Report issues in Collector via this Google form

Thank you,

Team Nutanix Collector

Nutanix Validated Design (NVD) – On-Prem

Nutanix Validated Design – On-Prem  :


Nutanix delivers the Hybrid Cloud Validated Design – On Premises, based on the Hybrid Cloud Reference Architecture, as a bundled solution for general server virtualization that includes hardware, software, and services to accelerate and simplify the deployment and implementation process. This Validated Design features a full-stack solution for hybrid cloud deployments that integrates multiple products including AOS, AHV, Prism Pro, Calm, Flow, Leap, Mine, and HYCU.The Hybrid Cloud Validated Design – On Premises sizer reference scenarios have the following features:


  • A baseline configuration for each Availability Zone is comprised of three clusters:
    • Management – 4-node cluster based on NX-1175S for Prism Central, Active Directory, IPAM, Load Balancing, SYSLOG, and any other management services.
    • Workload – 4-16 nodes of NX-3170-G8 for general purpose server virtualization workloads.
    • Backup – 4-node cluster of NX-8155-G8 for Mine/Hycu


A dedicated management cluster in each Availability Zone provides increased availability, security, operations, and performance. The workload cluster has a defined maximum size of 16 nodes, which provides a reasonable maintenance window for rolling firmware and software upgrades. Smaller workload clusters can be deployed, but the maximum size should not exceed 16 nodes.


  •  NVD Defines standard VM “t-shirt” sizes for deployment via Calm:


Small Medium Large
1 vCPU 2 vCPU 4 vCPU
Max 124 VMs/Node Max 92 VMs/Node Max 46 VMs/Node


  • When using the defined VM sizes, the per-workload cluster maximums are:


Small VMs Medium VMs Large VMs
Maximum running VMs per workload cluster building block 1,860 1,380 690
Maximum deployed VMs per workload cluster building block to allow for disaster recovery capacity 930 690 345


  • Due to quoting limitations, a single Availability Zone has two sizer scenarios: Management + Workload cluster, and Backup Cluster. Note that the Hycu software license is not included, and must be purchased separately via other channels. 
  • Services SKUs are not included in the Sizer reference scenarios. Review the BOM in the NVD appendix for the complete list of Services SKUs which should be included.
  • For a full Disaster Recovery solution, two AZs should be quoted which mirror each other. The design should call for running each workload cluster in the AZ at less than 50% capacity, to enable full fail-over capability for all workloads. 


It is extremely important to review the entire <doc name> on the Solutions Support portal to understand the complete Hybrid Cloud validated solution. 


For questions or additional information:



February 2022 release


Sizer went live with current sprint with below major updates :


  • Proposals for Portfolio 2.0:

    • Updated SW license section with Portfolio 2.0 structure
    • A slide on HW support and Cloud services


  • Cluster rules update

    • Restrictions around mixing different node types
    • For ex: Hybrid + NVMe nodes not supported
    • Handling unbalanced memory qty for IceLake
    • Allowing single socket for storage heavy nodes


  • Reference scenarios : Reworked on NX-G8 (was on G7 earlier)

  • Support for Frame licenses with Portfolio 2.0 flow

  • Platforms

    • GPU related rules for Fujitsu
    • New vendor- OVH Cloud



December 2021 sprints

Sizer went live with the sprint and some important features to start the year :

Upgrades quoting:

  • Now quoting for upgrades scenarios is possible and the quote button for upgrade flow is enabled.
  • The nodes are marked as existing or new by sizer (or can also be done manually) and can generate FL quotes for the newly added nodes
  • More on Upgrades is coming with Insights integration soon !!

Performance :

  • This is a big one and we all should see a significant performance improvement and sizing speed while coming up with the node recommendation.
  • Depending on the complexity and size of the workload, over 70% improvement in performance has been observed on an average compared to earlier.
  • A change in the technical implementation of sizing mechanism is driving bulk of the improvements.

Reference scenarios:

  • Sizer has come up with a concept of Reference scenarios (a tab called ‘reference scenario’ on the dashboard screen).
  • These are pre-sized scenarios by experts across workloads (For ex: Files 50TB,250 users, 250TB, 750 users , VDI 300/500 mixed user types etc)
  • These reference scenarios serve as a guide/reference purpose only for a similar workload requirement (and not encouraged to clone as is)
  • The feature has been widely successful with one of the partners (cdw) and now opening up for everyone


  • Proposals has been updated with the latest Q1 financials/Gartner’s slides and newly added G8 models
  • Default input processor set to Gold 5220 for VDI/VDA workloads for matching the real time(lab) performance numbers
  • Platforms that went live:
  •  NX-1175S-G8
  • Dell XC ICX or 15G Phase 2 Platforms
  • A30/A100/A16 GPU cards and related vGPU profiles for VDI/VDA

Collector 4.0

Nutanix Collector 4.0 fully supports NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP CIFS Shares and a lot of other benefits. Here is a short summary:


Support for NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP CIFS Shares

Support for NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP is no longer beta, it is now GA and full support would be provided to gather CIFS Shares details from Clustered Data ONTAP version 8.3 or above. You can gather a valuable set of information directly from storage native boxes that can be extremely helpful in sizing your File Share requirements accurately. 

Cluster details – Capacity, Storage Efficiency, # of CIFS Shares & # of Volumes

Node details – Node Health, Model, Vendor, ONTAP version, CPU & Memory info

Share details – Type of Share, Share Path, Access Control Levels, and Max Connections

Volume details – Capacity, Storage Efficiency, QoS Level, Snapshot & Backup Details

QoS details – Policy Group, Max Throughput & Workload Count

Short Demo link: Nutanix Collector support for ONTAP

Masking Sensitive Information

Collector 4.0 also provides the option to mask sensitive information when exporting the output to excel. This would be beneficial in the case of Government and Financial accounts or RFPs demanding the same. The following fields are masked across the various sheets – Cluster Name, Host IP, Host Name, VM Name, Disk Name, Snapshot Name, Snapshot File, Switch Name, Port Group, vSwitch, Network, Adapter, Disk, License Name & License Key.

Mapping of Collector Project & Sizer Scenarios

Collector Portal now allows you to not only view the Collector Projects but also allows you to view the associated Sizer Scenarios. To make it even better, we have ensured that you can also see the associated Sizer Scenarios for all your existing Collector Projects as well. This would be extremely beneficial in case of any customer satisfaction issues where the workload has changed pre and post-deployment.  

Bulk edits on VM List Page

This has been a long-pending request, Collector Portal allows you to edit multiple VMs in one go via “Bulk Change”. Use cases where bulk edits would be of great value

Sizing a set of VMs in one cluster and the rest in another cluster. For example, all DB VMs “Target Cluster” values can be changed to a new cluster, say DB Cluster instead of default Cluster 1.   The rest of the VMs can be left to default, Cluster 1, or further targeted towards specific clusters before exporting to Sizer.

Edit the resources allocated to the set of VMs. For example, all knowledge workers are not allocated enough vCPUs, increase all of them at once via bulk edit.

Additional Checks for Potential Undersizing when exporting to Sizer

In the case of virtual desktop environments, not all the VMs are utilized at the same time, especially when users are working across shifts. The VMs might be actively utilizing the resources but the VM might be switched off when Collector is run to gather the data. Considering the VM as OFF might result in a potentially undersized solution. We have added warnings in place to avoid these kinds of issues both when exporting Collector data to Sizer or Importing Collector data in Sizer.


Identification of Home Directory & Application Shares

Collector 4.0 can identify if the shares configured on ONTAP CIFS are Home Directory shares or Applications shares. Sizer shall support exporting home directory shares only or all discovered shares.

Ease of Download

No need to remember any URLs to download Collector Desktop Application. Just ask the partner, prospect or customer to visit or Google “Nutanix Collector”. Find the “Download Collector Desktop Application” right on the login page. 

Retrieving back the Collection File (.zip)

We have also made minor adjustments in the placement of buttons to drive our users towards sharing the Collection (.zip) file over the .xlsx file.  The updated button also indicates to the users that the Collection file is a zip file and not xlsx file. Use of the Collection file helps to extract all the value-added in the Collector portal and now you can also map the Collector data to Sizer Scenarios. 


Resolved Out of Memory issues when trying to gather data from large Prism environments.

In the case of Hyper-V, Collector can now generate the output in the Excel (.xlsx) format, even when a few attributes for VMs, Cluster Name, and Disk Name are missing.


Release Notes, User Guide & Security Guide

Collector Help Pages

Collector FAQs 

Product Videos

Report issues in Collector via this Google form

Download Collector via Collector Login Page