January 2018 Sprint

Hi everyone

We just posted January sprint and this is a HUGE sprint in terms of features you will love

1. First and foremost you can now clone a scenario and apply it to a different vendor. This is HUGE feature for SW only business model. Do all your hard work capturing the customer requirements in one vendor. Then you can clone that and apply to any other vendor in less than a minute. So easy to compare different vendor recommendations. Full notes in the FAQ

2. Cluster level filters. Our sizings are getting more complex. Though Sizer has supported multiple clusters for long time, most did not use it. With DR it is more common and other use cases. So now can look at All Clusters or pull in pull down just select what you want and then the Sizing details, dials, DesignBrewz, and Rack View show just that cluster.

3. List view in dashboard. Now instead of tiles you can have a list view

4. Updated VDI and RDSH/XenApp for various Windows versions and Office versions

5. We make core adjustment for Skylake memory

6. Added Fujitsu as OEM

7. Dell XC – added XC640-4 and added SED, GPU to various models

8. Product updates for Lenovo

9. Product updates for Nutanix

10. Product updates for HP, Cisco, Dell PowerEdge