Data Center Addons (Prism Pro, Flow, Calm, Files)

Want to add on some cool Essentials  products to the HCI offering.  It is easy with Sizer

  • Prism Pro –  1 per node
  • Flow – 1 per node
  • Calm – ½ VM pack per node (rounded up)
  • Files – Capacity is 5TiB per node

It should be a decoupled quote (separate license and hardware).  We use the terms and support level for the software license.   However, Calm is ONLY Mission Critical level of support



Here they are in the budgetary quote



Sizer Users can can size for different type of business requirements which may require sizing for:

  • NX Appliances
  • NX Core
  • Software Only Vendors

Sizer Users, both Nutanix Employees and Partners (resellers and distributors), can generate following documents with the help of Sizer for any of the above mentioned scenarios:

  • BOM
  • Budgetary Quote
  • Salesforce Quotes

Contents of these documents (BOM, Budgetary quote and Salesforce Quote) change significantly based on whether one is sizing for NX-Appliance, NX-Core or CBL (Software Only vendors, Dell XC, HX Certified). Most of these changes are related to license and support products. Sizer uses information present in Salesforce Account and Opportunity to determine the correct license and support options. Following flowchart diagram explains how we make such decisions:


Partners: BOM and Salesforce Quotes


  • In order to generate correct BOM, Budgetary quote and Salesforce Quote, user must enter the Opportunity ID or Deal Registration Approval ID.
  • In case of Nutanix models, Opportunity value helps Sizer determine if the sizing needs to be done for appliance or hardware disaggregated. Based on the opportunity value,  user will be presented with support and license selection page which is applicable to software choice or appliance sizing.
  • Opportunity value plays a significant role when sizing with Non Nutanix Software only Vendors. If Opportunity is marked for Software only, then then user will be presented with support and license selection page which is applicable to CBL, otherwise user won’t see any support and license selection page.
  • Opportunity is a required field when creating a Salesforce Quote. It also ensure that Sizer isn’t sending quotes creating for velocity program to non-velocity opportunities.
  • If user doesn’t have the opportunity information but would still like to size for CBL/Software choice, one can do so my selecting “Software Choice Only” option from the create scenario page.

Steps to push BOM & Quote to Salesforce

  • Linking scenario to an opportunity or deal reg. Two features are enabled for the distributors
    • Upload BoM to Salesforce from Sizer
    • Generate Salesforce Quote from Sizer
  • In Salesforce, BoM and Quote are dependent on an opportunity, so to upload a BoM or to generate a Salesforce Quote, Sizer needs to know which opportunity to use. A user can provide opportunity information on the scenario creation page. Any of the following IDs/numbers is acceptable:
    • 15- or 18-character Opportunity ID
    • Deal registration approval ID
  • Opportunity & Deal registration approval ID can be found from DQT opportunity

  • Once the sizing is completed by adding the workloads, selecting & modifying financial assumptions, proceed with the actions to generate BoM, Generate Budgetary Quote, Push BoM to Sales force, Generate Salesforce Quote
  • On the left panel/sidebar of Scenario detail page, there are actions (generate BoM, Generate Budgetary Quote, Push BoM to Sales force, Generate Salesforce Quote) can be found

  • Clicking on “Push BoM to Salesforce” will launch a modal/pop-up. User can confirm the opportunity and push the BoM to Salesforce. Successful upload will close the modal and display a message on the page

  • Clicking on the “Generate Salesforce Quote” will launch a modal/pop-up. User can confirm the opportunity a license/support options before generating the Salesforce Quote. Successful upload will close the modal and display a message on the page

  • The opportunity information can be modified (removed, updated) only by clicking on the “Edit Scenario” action
  • Email notifications, containing link to opportunity in case of BoM upload and link to quote in case of Quote, will be sent to Users (Distributor, Opportunity Owner, Primary SE)

BOM contents for SW only platforms

Thi article explains the contents of the BOM for SW only platforms like HPE, Cisco, Dell PE etc

Sizer specifically focuses on certian parts of a server. The workload which is being sized determines the number and quantity of each of these parts. These are primarily the CPUs, Memory, SSDs/HDDs and NICs.

However, a server has other non sizer parts which does not impact sizing but are equally important to be a valid and qualified combination. Examples of non sizer parts are boot drive, power supplies, storage controller, chassis etc

The Sizer BOM lists both the sizer and non sizer parts. We need to make sure that all components listed on the HCL are accounted for on the BOM built by your partner. We cannot have any omissions of required components.

An example of a Cisco UCS BOM:

The Sizer parts listed with details and quantity of the CPUs/Memory/SSD/HDD/NICs required.

It is followd by listing of the non sizer parts. This includes Boot Drive, Chassis, Power supply, Storage Controller, Network Adapters.




Upload BOM to SFDC

A user can upload BOM directly from Sizer to Salesforce  by clicking “Push BOM to Salesforce” button on the scenario. To create a Generate Quote from Sizer make sure that Sizing has been completed (workloads must be added to the Scenario to enable “Push BOM to Salesforce).

Required User Permissions: Salesforce Login


  1. Go to Scenario and click on next to the scenario name.
  2. Click on “Push BOM to Salesforce” action.
  3. Enter Scenario objectives (you won’t see this step if scenario objectives have already been added).
  4. On the“Push BOM to Salesforce” modal, select opportunity name to which BOM will be pushed.
  5. Click on “Push BOM”.

Salesforce Quote

Salesforce Quotes can be generated from Sizer by clicking “Generate Salesforce Quote” button on the scenario.

Required User Permissions

  • Salesforce Login

To create a Salesforce Quote from Sizer make sure that:

  • A valid and unexpired opportunity exists in
  • A valid and active Pricebook is associated with the Opportunity in
  • Sizing has been completed: workloads must be added to the Scenario to enable “Generate Salesforce Quote” button.


  1. Go to Scenario and click on next to the scenario name.
  2. Click on “Generate Salesforce Quote” action.
  3. On the “Generate Salesforce Quote” modal, an account should already be pre populated. If you linked opportunity to the scenario while creating the scenario, opportunity and pricebook (if one linked to opportunity in salesforce) should also be pre populated, otherwise please search or enter Opportunity name or ID in the Opportunity textbox. Selecting the Opportunity will populate the pricebook.
  4. Entering the opportunity will enable the “Generate” button if it wasn’t enabled.
  5. You also get the opportunity to review the Financial Assumptions section on this modal.
  6. Click on Generate.


Budgetary Quote

Budgetary Quotes can be generated from Sizer by clicking “Generate Budgetary Quote” button on the scenario. To create a Generate Quote from Sizer make sure that Sizing has been completed (workloads must be added to the Scenario to enable “Generate Salesforce Quote” button).

Required User Permissions: Nutanix Portal or Salesforce Login

Steps to generate a  Budgetary Quote:

  1. Go to Scenario and click on next to the scenario name.
  2. Click on “Generate Budgetary Quote” action.
  3. On the “Generate Budgetary Quote” modal, you get the opportunity to review the Financial Assumptions section on this modal.
  4. Click on Generate.

If quote generation completes successfully, you will see a notification on the page. Budgetary quote will be downloaded on your local system.

Financial Analysis

In addition to cost comparison of owning legacy and Nutanix products over the next 5 years, Financial Analysis section also shows the estimated savings one can realize by opting for Nutanix Products.

To view Financial Analysis section:

  1. Open a scenario and scroll down on the right section of the page until see you see “Sizing details” selected in the dropdown.
  2. Change the dropdown value to Financial Analysis.

Note: Make sure that on the right section, “All clusters” have been selected in the “Summary For” dropdown.