Sizer for Customers

Customer Access to Sizer

In the right situations, Sizer can be very beneficial for technical customers planning deployments for the following reasons:

Collaborative sale

  • Customers can scope out new emerging projects and then later pull in SE
  • Customer confidence and ownership in a proposed solution increases when they are involved in sizing
  • Build a better bond with SE

Customers can do what-ifs

  • if add 100 more users how many more nodes needed
  • If certain application core usage spiked 2x what is the impact on a cluster

Requirements for Success

  • Customers have to understand Acropolis and the workloads they are sizing. Sizer does have profiles and offers guidance in the wiki, but we assume a knowledgeable user.
  • SE would need to provide training though there are videos on the wiki
  • SE would need to be front line support to explain nuances in AOS, workloads, sizing, and Sizer

By default,  when customers sign up on MyNutanix, they have access to the “Basic” version of Sizer. The basic access limits the hardware sizing to Nutanix NX hardware. 

Process to request access to the Advanced version of Sizer

1.   SE requests Sizer PM ( to bump up the customer level to Sizer advanced

2.  SE agrees to be front-end and provide training (to complement videos)

Key things to note

  • SE has to provide support
  • We will need to know what vendors the customer can have access to like Nutanix, HPE, Cisco, etc.  We can offer almost any combination
  • Customers will see budgetary list pricing with the Budgetary quote option
    • Nutanix software pricing is available irrespective of the vendors
    • Hardware prices are available for Nutanix NX, HPE-DX and AWS Bare Metals
      • Nutanix and HPE-DX hardware prices are updated monthly and quarterly, respectively.
      • AWS Bare Metal and EBS Volume prices are fetched on the fly