The point of Sizing Charts is simply to give exact presentation of the Sizing Details in charts. Any value in Sizing Charts is reflected in Sizing Details. Sizing Details being thorough is frankly a table with a lot of numbers. Sizing Charts then puts it in nice charts if user wants to see it. Also good to capture in proposals
Separate is Storage Calculator which allows you to enter your own set of nodes and see extent store and a derived effective capacity. That is NOT tied to the scenario in terms of workloads, recommendation, sizing details. More info on different page.
Here is the Sizing Details for a Scenario
This is sample scenario that is used to describe the charts.

Here is the Sizing Charts for this scenario
There is an option to view all charts at once. You can see there is a 1:1 coorespondance between the Sizing Details and the charts for Cores, Ram, HDD, and SSD. Also shown is the breakout for SSD CVM and HDD CVM. Maybe a technical customer wants to see the details but in graphical form and this would cover it

Each of these can be looked at individually so you can just look at what interests you
Here you see the sizing elements for Core. The tooltip shows the applied weight adjustment and memory adjustments. The donut shows the CVM, workload requirement and usable remaining cores.

This is the RAM chart. In this scenario there is 17 TiB of RAM available. CVM consumes 1 TiB, workload consumes 14.45 TiB and 2.04 TiB remaining

This shows HDD. The total amount of HDD space is RAW plus storage efficiency which in this case is just compression. Dedupe of ECX are two other technologies that save space. So because of compression savings we actually can deal with a total of 418.49 TiB. That number is the size of the donut chart. From there things that consume space would be the workload, RF overhead, and CVM. Usable remaining HDD then is 122.59 TiB. In sizing details it is reported as Usable remaining capacity (Assuming RF2) = 122.59/2 = 61.3 or Usable remaining capacity (Assuming RF3) = 122.59/3 = 40.86

This shows SSD. The total amount of SSD space is RAW plus storage efficiency which in this case is just compression. Dedupe of ECX are two other technologies that save space. For SSD (as explained in Sizing details) we do also add back oplog because being a write journal it is user space. So because of compression savings and adding back oplog we actually can deal with a total of 302.06 TiB. That number is the size of the donut chart. From there things that consume space would be the workload, RF overhead, and CVM. Usable remaining HDD then is 31.34 TiB. In sizing details it is reported as Usable remaining capacity (Assuming RF2) = 31.34/2 = 15.67 or Usable remaining capacity (Assuming RF3) = 31.34/3 = 10.45

There is a chart that shows the CVM components on HDD. In case of All Flash solution all CVM components are stored in SSD

There is a chart that shows the CVM components on SSD. In case of All Flash solution all CVM components are stored in SSD.

What is purpose of Storage Charts? – Simply to give a graphical picture of the numbers in Sizing Details. Here you can see Cores, RAM, HDD, SSD that is consumed and what is available for RF2 or RF3. It is tied to the scenario. Thus changing workloads or models will change the charts
What is purpose of Storage Calculator? – It is separate from the scenario in terms of workloads and recommendations. It is intended to allow user to scope amount of storage that is available for given set of nodes. It answers what is the potential storage available for those nodes.
Do I need the Storage Charts? – Since it is 100% duplicate of Sizing Details, not necessarily. It does give a graphical view though