There is a rack view that you can access within the scenario page.
To see the power requirements click on the upper right link
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There is a rack view that you can access within the scenario page.
To see the power requirements click on the upper right link
Nutanix Collector collects server virtualization workload details from customers existing datacenters.
Once connected to customer’s hosts or vCenter, the tool collects information such as number of VMs, its power on/off state, VMs configuration which includes number of cores, RAM and allocated and used capacity.
The user gets an option to save the data in excel format.
Currently, as an alternative to RVTools, the Collector output can be imported into Sizer for sizing.
The tool requires host/vCenter IP and user credentials to login and connect (as shown)
And as it collects the VM data, it shows the status of the data collected
Once the VM information is gathered, it allows the user to save it in excel format
Sizer has an option to import Collector output file..
Does Sizer accounts for all the VMs imported by Collector?
No. Sizer corresponds to only those VMs for which the ‘covered’ column in Collector summary report is ‘Yes’.
There are couple of parameters based on which some VMs might not be covered and Sizer does not size for these VMs.
What are the supported platforms and prerequisites for running the Collector?
How Sizer creates workload using Collector data ?
What are advantages of Collector over RVTools?
Does it work with Sizer ?
Yes, Sizer has an import feature where you can upload Collector output
How does it store the collected data ?
It provides options to save the collected information in Excel format.
Can we filter on datacenter/cluster which are potential refresh targets for collection?
Yes, with the new Collector , you can select the datacenter/cluster for which you want the VM info collected. This way you can avoid fetching VM info for all the clusters which are part of the vCenter.
Do we have a CLI option ?
Yes, there is a CLI version of Collector for the CLI entusiasts.
Is it available for the customers ?
Currently, it is targetted for our SEs to run it at the customers’ site since today it is a point in time snapshot, however, the later versions are intended to be customer facing.
Here is a short video giving a brief overview and a demo of the tool
RVtools is a leading tool to monitor VMware clusters. It is an free tool, that runs on Windows (.Net 4 application), can query VMWare’s VI (Virtual Infrastructure) API to get numerous attributes. The VI API is exposed as a Web service, running on both ESX Server and VirtualCenter Server systems.
As you can see from the screenshot below, the tool has a number of tabs capturing the details in tabular format.
No. Sizer corresponds to only those VMs for which the ‘covered’ column in RVTool summary report is ‘Yes’.
There are couple of parameters based on which some VMs might not be covered and Sizer does not size for these VMs.
How are the usable capacities determined for VMs?
From Vparition sheet in RV tools , we read two columns – Capacity MB and Consumed MB.
Finding capacity for Sizing:
What are the prerequisites for running the RVTool?
Its a windows application running on a desktop or laptop with network connectivity to the cluster that is being analyzed. It would need vCenter userid and password to connect to the cluster.
How Sizer creates workload using RVTools data ?
What does CPUs column mean in the RVTool sumary sheet ?
The values for the CPUs column in the Sizer summary sheet indicate the CPU profile for the VM.
As explained above, every VM is classified as small, medium , large etc as per the vCPU count of the VM as below:
On what basis is the VM vCPU and vMemory classified ?
Below is the classification criteria for VM vCPU and memory
What does Cores column mean in the RVTool sumary sheet ?
These indicate the total number of cores available in the host machine of the VM. These are collected in the vHost tab of the RVTool export.
What happens to the VMs which are not covered as it does not fit in one of the 25 server virtualization profiles?
Analysis has shown about 85% of the VMs fit in these 15 server virtualization profiles. For a handful of VMs that does ont fit in the profile, SEs can review the VMs with the customer. Often some VMs are over provisioned and would fit in one of the profiles.
These changes need to be made manually to the RVTool excel and imported to Sizer for a revised sizing summary.
Oracle provides Automatic workload repository (AWR) , a diagnostic tool with Oracle as a licensed feature. This feature is available on all OS platforms. Solaris , AIX , HPUX ,Linux and Windows and will run on all the platforms.
Nutanix has a platform agnostic script (.SQL) which is used to gather information on the server running Oracle in the following format.The script will be run by an oracle DBA/admin on multiple hosts/VMs and a similar output (dbname.out) is obtained depending on the situation. Multiple dbnameXX.out files are generated, one per database.
If we are provided a mixed output of .out files from AIX , Solaris , HPUX or Linux , we should be able to put these together into an Excel sheet and size it.
The user can then import the awr .out file or a zip file with multiple awr files (more common) into Sizer
Sizer will then do two things :
AWR file structure
AWR files do end with .out file extension but are text files. Here is a sample
This sample shows one clustered database where same database is run on multiple hosts.
Information in an AWR we use for sizer
How does Sizer come up with the core/ram/storage requirement for the given AWR file (or multiple files in a zip)
Each DB instance (per .out file) is a workload. Its core/ram and capacity requirements from the awr file becomes the sizing requirements for that workload.
However, a key point to note here is that due to the way Oracle is licensed [for the entire cores of the host], multiple DB instances on the same host are not treated as separate workload with separate core/ram requirements. The workload is at host level with the core and ram for the host as the core and ram requirements for the workload. The storage capacity across all DB instances on the host becomes the stoarge requirement for the workload.
The top bar allows you to
You can view My Scenarios (ones you create and thus own) or Shared Scenarios (ones shared by other users).
Shared scenarios are ones shared with you by other users
Each tile shows a summary of a sizing in terms of owner, workloads, etc. Customer and opportunity requires SFDC login.
How do you find a scenario if you got 500 of them? In a word … Search . However there is a panel. There are two options
With the scenario search, just start typing and should see name of scenario
A user can upload BOM directly from Sizer to Salesforce by clicking “Push BOM to Salesforce” button on the scenario. To create a Generate Quote from Sizer make sure that Sizing has been completed (workloads must be added to the Scenario to enable “Push BOM to Salesforce).
Required User Permissions: Salesforce Login
Salesforce Quotes can be generated from Sizer by clicking “Generate Salesforce Quote” button on the scenario.
Required User Permissions
To create a Salesforce Quote from Sizer make sure that:
Budgetary Quotes can be generated from Sizer by clicking “Generate Budgetary Quote” button on the scenario. To create a Generate Quote from Sizer make sure that Sizing has been completed (workloads must be added to the Scenario to enable “Generate Salesforce Quote” button).
Required User Permissions: Nutanix Portal or Salesforce Login
Steps to generate a Budgetary Quote:
If quote generation completes successfully, you will see a notification on the page. Budgetary quote will be downloaded on your local system.
In addition to cost comparison of owning legacy and Nutanix products over the next 5 years, Financial Analysis section also shows the estimated savings one can realize by opting for Nutanix Products.
To view Financial Analysis section:
Note: Make sure that on the right section, “All clusters” have been selected in the “Summary For” dropdown.