Salesforce Quote

Salesforce Quotes can be generated from Sizer by clicking “Generate Salesforce Quote” button on the scenario.

Required User Permissions

  • Salesforce Login

To create a Salesforce Quote from Sizer make sure that:

  • A valid and unexpired opportunity exists in
  • A valid and active Pricebook is associated with the Opportunity in
  • Sizing has been completed: workloads must be added to the Scenario to enable “Generate Salesforce Quote” button.


  1. Go to Scenario and click on next to the scenario name.
  2. Click on “Generate Salesforce Quote” action.
  3. On the “Generate Salesforce Quote” modal, an account should already be pre populated. If you linked opportunity to the scenario while creating the scenario, opportunity and pricebook (if one linked to opportunity in salesforce) should also be pre populated, otherwise please search or enter Opportunity name or ID in the Opportunity textbox. Selecting the Opportunity will populate the pricebook.
  4. Entering the opportunity will enable the “Generate” button if it wasn’t enabled.
  5. You also get the opportunity to review the Financial Assumptions section on this modal.
  6. Click on Generate.


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