We went live with the current sprint and excited to highlight a few major features.. one of which has been frequently requested by the SE community ..
Intel / AMD (View Other Alternatives) :
- You would notice the ‘view other alternatives’ appear just below the default solution (pic below)
- The solution includes the AMD models option for the same workload along with the Intel(default) models (along with the cost delta)
- As per NX team, with the introduction of NX AMD models, there may be situation where the AMD option may come out to be optimal thus having both presented gives a broader perspective and may help drive its adoption.
- The alternative option is not restricted to NX but is applied across vendors(which support AMD models).
Collaboration / Sharing with edit access:
- One of the frequently requested features. Earlier sharing was read only, and users had to clone (under their name) to make edits.
- While sharing, you can now choose to share as ‘read only’ or ‘write’. The latter allowing the shared user to make edits to the same scenario.
- Only one user can make edits at a time and the scenario is locked by/for the user. It can be seen as ‘Active Editor’ on the top , next to scenario owner (pic below)
- Once the active editor finishes making changes and scenario is in idle state, it releases the scenario for editing by others.
- Alternatively, the active user can also release it immediately by clicking on ‘Stop editing’ button.
- As the first phase, this is enabled only for internal users via SFDC login, opening to IDP/Partner login is in plan.
- There is a short demo on this for an end-to-end flow: https://nutanix.zoom.us/rec/share/rWpWSXcUyUF5fx3gc8d91nVJs5_3xgyXiN3lvDl2WMls0sTE_qk6J4rVKlrBDdoj.D1DqFh_nlbg7UgIc?startTime=1705414710000
Platforms :
- Cisco Edge Offer SKUs available for sizing/BOM
- Adding platform integration fee as a line item in the Budgetary quote (in sync with FL)
Survey: Conducted a survey on feature gaps/UX review.