May 2019 Sprints

We launched our second sprint for May and it is a BIG one

Key Enhancements

Super Auto  Automatic goes through all the options and finds the optimal sizing.  Often SEs will say Auto is a good start but I want play with it.  Increase or decrease nodes and see impact of dials.  Increase/decrease Cores, RAM, etc and again see that impact.

Well now we have Super Auto where right in where you see the recommendation and the dials you can make those changes and get the update for the dials.  Better yet you see % change in cost vs optimal.  Manual is still there but now you can do a lot more in Automatic sizing.

Here is info and snapshots


Proposals  We had the sizer screen shots for a few months now, but we worked with the Field Enablement team and Product Marketing to deliver the latest in corporate overview and product/ solution benefits.  Don’t have to hunt around for the latest.  Do your work in Sizer and the latest PowerPoint is available under Download Proposals.  We see this evolving but you can be assured you got the latest.

Oracle updates  Oracle often is used in larger Enterprise applications and they charge for all cores in a node running Oracle.  Given that we now require high speed processors (greater than or equal to 60 spec ints which is about 3Ghz) but do allow a VM to cross sockets in a node.  This way you can have a large Oracle VM and know it will be fulfilled with a high speed cpu with fewer cores to give you a higher end system and lower Oracle license costs.


  • Heterogeneous cluster support for N+1 in Storage Calculator.  We had been taking one node off the first model defined and now we take it off the largest node in the cluster.
  • Appliances can have addons like Prism Pro, Flow, Calm.   This was for decoupled nodes in the past

First sprint for May

Key Enhancements

Backup Sizing.  Now all workloads for Nutanix sizings can have backups in a separate backup cluster.  You can define the backup policy and target either Files Pro or Buckets Pro. The intent is that  the backups are in the backup cluster managed by 3rd party backup software.  Sizer sized for the backups, included either Files PRO or Buckets Pro, and allocated space for the backup software.  In near future, there will be dedicated Backup hardware that can be used in the backup cluster instead of Files PRO or Buckets Pro.  Here is the details


  • Compression is now allowed for Starter license
  • Buckets can have RF3.
  • Robo VM can now have more than 2 TiB of storage

Collector and Tools

  • VDI workloads created by Collector are now better fine-tuned to meet different usage levels (edited)

Backup Sizing

All  Nutanix workloads now support backups.    This does the following

  • For any workload you can define backup policy in terms of number of full and incremental backups.
  • When invoked Sizer computes the backup storage that is needed and puts that in a standalone cluster.  Only backup workloads can be included in the backup standalone cluster(s)
  • Sizer also allocates cores, ram and storage for 3rd party backup software in the backup cluster
  • In future,  you can specify the backup hardware that is to be used in the backup cluster(s).
  • Alternatively we do offer Files Pro and Buckets Pro standalone clusters as targets

The inputs are as follows

  • Recovery Point Objective – the time between last backup (be it incremental or full backup).  This represents what point in time you can recover data.
    • For example, you want to recover some information.  The last backup will have occurred less than or at most 24 hours ago
  • Backup cycles.  This would be the number of cycles you want retained
  • Full backups in a cycle.  Typically 1 but can be more.  Here all the data in the workload is backed up
  • Incremental backups in a cycle.  Typically several and amount of data is the % percent change * workload data
  • Retention in Days – Backup cycles * (Full Backups per cycle + Incremental backups per cycle)
  • Rate change – Percent change expected between incremental backups
  • Backup Target –  options for holding the data such as Files Pro
  • Standalone Cluster – Name of cluster that will hold the backups

April 2019 sprints

We now have two sprints a month

Second sprint released April 29

Key enhancements

  • Allow Disabling workloads in scenario.

Bet you like to see the effect an extra workload has on your sizing.?  Betting you do that multiple times when you work with Sizer?  Well now you can disable a  workload and it is like it has been deleted.  Flip the switch and voila it is back.

The use for this feature is tremendous.  Certainly to add a workload and see impact.  Coupled with ability to clone and edit workload and then could have a couple levels (say small and large).  Then toggle each one to be disabled and see the impact the difference in workloads make.

We took care in how we handle disable workloads as follows

o    You get a warning on top that one or more workloads are disabled so you don’t forget.

o    Since the sizing is based on just enabled workloads the BOM, budgetary quotes and quotes are based on what is enabled

o    You can clone the scenario and the current state of enabled/disabled workloads are preserved in the new scenario.  So can have multiple scenarios from there with some enabled and other disabled

  • Capacity growth for Files – this is important as File capacity is always growing and now can size for up to next 5 years

Collector and Tools

  • Warn you if too few of VMs can’t be sized (eg. Many are powered OFF). This is to inform you that the sizing could be undersized given the data
  • SpecInt core adjustment for Collector import
  • Default selections for VDI workloads by Collector Import (Also enable Files by default)
  • RVTools 3.11 Import support


  • Updated Calm as no longer offers a free 25VM pack
  • Product updates for NX, SW only vendors, and Dell XC
  • Validator Product Updates
  • Failover Capacity Indicator improvements for ECX and Block Awareness enabled scenarios
  • Oracle: Node allocation to DB VMs
  • Automatic Sizing with CBL improvements for Standalone cluster sizing

First Sprint released April 16

Key Enhancements

  • Auto Sizing with CBL – We take into account the CBL license cost in our Auto Sizing which is key as most value is now in the licenses.  We also moved to List Price Sizing for NX hardware  instead of COGS
  • Manual Sizing Warnings based on Failover indicators. We leverage the new N+0 warnings in our UI but also BOM, Budgetary quote, Quote
  • 120TB Cold Storage support for 5.11. Models will be coming that support this but we are ready
  • Two node ROBO sizing for Files for N+1 failover. This is great for lower end file server market
  • Add Files/Buckets SKUs for quotes for non-decoupled accounts – So now can have a Files or Buckets license with an appliance sale.
  • ROBO VM Limit changes – PM did update the limits and so now:  no limits on cores, 32GB RAM per VM, 2 TiB of combined HDD/SSD storage per VM, and 50 TiB total HDD/SSD storage per cluster


  • Default NIC Selection for ALB/Non-ALB Countries (Auto Sizing). We take care of this nuisance where have to have the right NIC SKU for Arab League and non Arab League countries.  We look at the country for the Account you are sizing for.
  • Oracle Workload only in dedicated clusters. This is best practice given Oracle charges for all cores on nodes with Oracle.
  • Require an external NIC card for Bucket workloads
  • New UX Implementation for allowing decoupled quote for non-decoupled accounts – We want to make easier to sell a CBL deal to non-decoupled accounts

March 2019 sprints

Second Sprint

  • Optimal VDI Sizing with Collector-  This is huge innovation.  We started Collector to get the best customer requirements and now that is reality for our top workload – VDI.

Here you run Collector at the customer’s site and it will collect 7 days of performance data from VCenter.  The information is already in VCenter and so it does not take long to grab that information (about 5 min).  In Collector you can specify if want to find the median value, average, peak or some percentile like 80% for each VM.  For example, 80th percentile means you are getting the cores and RAM utilization level that covers 80% of all the data points from last 7 days.  There you can be assured it is well sized as not all VMs will run that hot all the time.  That is what I would advise.

With that data going to Sizer we can then “right size” the VM so you don’t undersize or oversize it.  All the details are here

This is our first workload.  I don’t mean this as hype  but Collector will radically change sizing and in the process allow Nutanix to be more competitive  Why?  Because we will have precise customer data to size with.

In compute oriented workloads we will be doing similar processing as we did here for VDI.  For capacity workloads, like Buckets or Files we want to analyze data to get us the best compression values.  So this is just the sta

  • Hot storage allocation with FATVM –  Here if you have a large working set for Files or buckets we allow the SSD (hot storage) to be dispersed over the cluster.  Usually we want it on the local node for best performance (e.g. a heavy compute intensive VM) but here it is not a concern.  So net result is you can have a lot of large hybrid models
  • Allow decoupled quotes on non-decoupled accounts for the partners* – This is allowed now and we got this functionality to partners
  • Various product updates* across HP, Lenovo, and Nutanix (edited)

First Sprint

Add N+0, N+1, N+2 indicator

o    This is a BIG sizing improvement in Sizer where Sizer will always tell you if you are at N+0, N+1 or N+2 for all resources (CPU, RAM, HDD, SSD) for each cluster

o    Now as you make changes in manual you always know if you have adequate failover.  Best practice is N+1 so you can take down any one node and customer workloads can still run.

o    This can be very hard to figure out on your own.  ECX savings for example varies by node count.  Heterogenous clusters mean you have to find the largest node for each resource.  Multiple clusters mean you have to look at each separately.  Sizer does this for you !!

o    Here is all the info on how this works.

  • Allow decoupled quotes on non-decoupled accounts (SFDC Users) – At first the rule was an account had to be decoupled to get decoupled quotes or quotes with Files Pro or Buckets Pro.  Now that rule has been lifted and we support that in Sizer quoting.  We just ask you if you want de-coupled quotes or not.
  • ROBO VMs Sizing (Quoting, BOM with ROBO SKUs) – Here can have the new ROBO VMs where you sell VMs as a license and separately have hardware
  • 3 Node sizing for N+1 for Files – This allows a 3 node cluster to be used for Files.  Was 4 nodes was the minimum to be N+1
  • Add missing terms for Appliance Only License and Support
  • Multiple Clusters Support for Collector Import – Now can put different VMs in different clusters in Sizer
  • Default NIC Selection for ALB/Non-ALB Countries (Manual Sizing)
  • High/Critical Security fixes
  • Various product updates for Sizer and Validator



Data Center Addons (Prism Pro, Flow, Calm, Files)

Want to add on some cool Essentials  products to the HCI offering.  It is easy with Sizer

  • Prism Pro –  1 per node
  • Flow – 1 per node
  • Calm – ½ VM pack per node (rounded up)
  • Files – Capacity is 5TiB per node

It should be a decoupled quote (separate license and hardware).  We use the terms and support level for the software license.   However, Calm is ONLY Mission Critical level of support



Here they are in the budgetary quote


Sizer for Customers

Customer Access to Sizer

In the right situations, Sizer can be very beneficial for technical customers planning deployments for the following reasons:

Collaborative sale

  • Customers can scope out new emerging projects and then later pull in SE
  • Customer confidence and ownership in a proposed solution increases when they are involved in sizing
  • Build a better bond with SE

Customers can do what-ifs

  • if add 100 more users how many more nodes needed
  • If certain application core usage spiked 2x what is the impact on a cluster

Requirements for Success

  • Customers have to understand Acropolis and the workloads they are sizing. Sizer does have profiles and offers guidance in the wiki, but we assume a knowledgeable user.
  • SE would need to provide training though there are videos on the wiki
  • SE would need to be front line support to explain nuances in AOS, workloads, sizing, and Sizer

By default,  when customers sign up on MyNutanix, they have access to the “Basic” version of Sizer. The basic access limits the hardware sizing to Nutanix NX hardware. 

Process to request access to the Advanced version of Sizer

1.   SE requests Sizer PM ( to bump up the customer level to Sizer advanced

2.  SE agrees to be front-end and provide training (to complement videos)

Key things to note

  • SE has to provide support
  • We will need to know what vendors the customer can have access to like Nutanix, HPE, Cisco, etc.  We can offer almost any combination
  • Customers will see budgetary list pricing with the Budgetary quote option
    • Nutanix software pricing is available irrespective of the vendors
    • Hardware prices are available for Nutanix NX, HPE-DX and AWS Bare Metals
      • Nutanix and HPE-DX hardware prices are updated monthly and quarterly, respectively.
      • AWS Bare Metal and EBS Volume prices are fetched on the fly

February 2019 Sprint

We had two sprints in February and released the following:

New Features

  • Changed the Nutanix Files Licenses and now reflect the Jan 2019 changes for Files and Files Pro

Sizer is up to date with the latest licensing including putting Files Pro in a standalone cluster and not allowing Files to be in a standalone cluster. You will see the label standalone cluster in the cluster list. All things are enforced regarding capacity, compression, etc

Nutanix File license now has no maximum capacity

  • Create scenario proposal

We got feedback from the SE council that SE’s need help in proposals. Often SE’s were taking screenshots of Sizer UI like dials or configuration information. Now a pulldown option to download proposal. A new tab shows all the charts, dials, sizing detail tables. You can download to a powerpoint too. That take the images you want :blush:

  • Collector Import – Now  we note in the the workload if sizing information came from Collector.  This is true for the BOM or in View workload


  • VDI Solution

Allows you to sell a VDI solution based on user pricing. Customer pays for so many users independent of the workload demands they have. Separately is the hardware cluster which is sized to meet the workload demands

By selecting Enterprise VDI Solution when creating a VDI workload that workload is put into a standalone cluster and then the only VDI license is charged. Separately the hardware is sized for that workload and potentially other Enterprise VDI Solution workloads

  • Buckets Licensing – Licensing is now implemented to include rules for Nutanix Buckets and Nutanix Buckets Pro
  • Nutanix File Pro Encryption and Nutanix Buckets Pro Encryption has been added as option in those workloads
  • Intel models available to NX partners. Initially for just Nutanix employees, but not Nutanix partners too.

Product Updates:

  • HCL Product updates for SW only vendors
  • XF1070 – Fujitsu – product updates
  • Lenovo Product updates: New model: HX2320 & added 16G DIMM for HX7820
  • Nutanix G6 Product Constraint – GPU_4PORT_NIC_limit was added
  • Validator Updates from HCL

ROBO VM Solution Sizing

Robo VM Solution

The idea of Robo VM Solution is to combine the sizing of Robo Models with Decoupled  Quoting (separate license and hardware).

So in the end you pay for Robo VM licenses and the ROBO hardware but NOT the AOS cores or SSD TiB capacity.

Here  I defined a couple workloads with total VM count of 100.   You can have as many as you want.

Then in the sizing panel selected Robo Models

The resulting budgetary quote shows you pay for the Robo VM licenses and the decoupled hardware.

Ok, there are some limits

No user VM can be more than

  • 32 GB  RAM (** this will be enforced in AOS)
  • 2 TiB  total for hdd and ssd storage per vm
  • 50 TiB total or hdd and ssd  storage within each standalone cluster

Can have multiple workloads that are assigned to a cluster.  The cluster limit though is 50 TiB

Can have multiple standalone clusters which can represent different sites.  So could have two clusters that are 40 TiB each and that is fine

  • No limit on cores

If any user VM exceeds those constraints then present following error message

“This exceeds the Robo VM limits and so please select Data Center Models”


N+0, N+1, N+2 Failover Indicator

N+0, N+1, N+2 Failover Indicator

This is a BIG sizing improvement in Sizer where Sizer will always tell you if you are at N+0, N+1 or N+2 failover level for all resources (CPU, RAM, HDD, SSD) for each cluster.

Now as you make   changes in automatic sizing or manual sizing you always know if you have adequate failover.  Best practice is N+1 so you can take down any one node  (e..g take one node offline for an upgrade) and customer workloads can still run.

This can be very hard to figure out on your own.  ECX savings for example varies by node count.  Heterogenous clusters mean you have to find the largest node for each resource.  Multiple clusters mean you have to look at each separately.  Sizer does this for you !!

Here is what you need to know. 

Let’s take a two cluster scenario.  One called Cluster-1 is Nutanix cluster running 900 users for VDI and the Files to support those users.  The other is a standalone cluster for Files Pro with 100TB of user data

All clusters:

In a multi-cluster scenario All Clusters just provides a summary.  Here it shows two clusters and the hardware for the clusters.  In regards to N+1 indicator on the lower left it shows the worse cluster.  Both are N+1 and so you see N+1.  Had any cluster been N+0 then N+0 would be shown.  Great indicator to show there is an issue with one of the clusters



File cluster

This is the Standalone cluster for Files.  You see the hardware used in the cluster.  You see the failover level for each resource (CPU, RAM, HDD, SSD).  N+2 would indicate possibly could have less of that resource but often product options force more anyhow.  This is cold storage intensive workload and so HDD is the worse case.

Cluster -1

This is the Nutanix cluster for the VDI users.  You see the hardware used in the cluster.  You see the failover level for each resource (CPU, RAM, HDD, SSD).  This is core intensive workload and so that is the worse case.


Sizing Recommendations for Objects 

General Information on Objects 

Understanding how Nutanix Objects works is useful context for any sizing. To read about the architecture check out the Objects Tech Note:   

To understand the current maximums visit: 

Nutanix Objects falls under Nutanix Unified Storage (NUS) licensing. For an overview of NUS licensing visit:  

Performance vs. Capacity Workloads 

In the past object storage solutions were really only concerned with capacity – performance was barely a consideration. However, modern workloads such as AI/ML and data analytics leverage S3 compatible storage, and these very often have significant performance demands. Nutanix Objects has been internally benchmarked with high intensity workloads on both hybrid and all flash systems (see and as a result we have a good understanding into Objects’ performance capabilities with a variety of workload profiles. Extrapolations can reliably be taken from these results to model performance scaling, since Objects I/O performance scales linearly. The data gleaned from the benchmark testing is used by Sizer to determine the minimum number of Objects workers – and therefore nodes – needed to deliver a certain level of performance.  

It should also be noted that there are factors outside the object store, such as network speed and number of client connections, that play a significant role in achieving the best possible performance from Nutanix Objects. Regarding the number of client connections, it should be noted that each node/worker needs 60-75 concurrent client connections driving I/O for maximum performance potential to be realized.

Perhaps more commonly, node count will be driven by capacity requirements. Even in these cases however, the minimum Objects worker count needed for performance should still be noted, especially in mixed deployments (discussed further below). 

Whether a sizing’s ultimate driving factor is capacity or performance, Sizer adds a ‘+1’ node to ensure the required capacity / performance remains available in the event of a node failure. 


While there is no difference in NUS licensing between dedicated deployments (where the AOS cluster is dedicated solely to NUS) and mixed deployments (where NUS co-exists on the AOS cluster alongside applications/user VMs), sizing considerations in each scenario vary to a degree. These are discussed below.  

More information about suitable hardware models can be found at: The link points to Nutanix NX models, but you can easily change the hardware vendor as required. At the time of writing, HPE provides the node with the highest storage density (DX4120-G11). Make sure that Files and Objects is selected as the use case. 

For an Objects dedicated configuration (hybrid)

Objects is supported on all models and all platforms. However, if you’re sizing for a dedicated hybrid Objects cluster with 100TiB or above, we recommend the HPE DX4120-G11, NX-8155-G9 or equivalent for the best performance. Such models are ideal due to their high HDD spindle count, though any model will work as long as it matches the minimum configurations listed below.

  • CPU: dual-socket 12-core CPU (minimum) for hybrid configs with 4 or more HDDs
    • Dual-socket 10-core CPU is acceptable for hybrid configs with fewer than 4 HDDs 
  • Memory: 128GB per node (minimum) 
  • Disk:
    • Avoid hybrid configurations that have only 2 HDDs per node. 
    • For hybrid configurations, systems with 10 or more HDDs are recommended*. For cost and performance reasons use as many HDDs as possible (see explanation in below section Why 10+ HDDs in a dedicated hybrid config?). On an NX8155 for example go for 2*SSD + 10*HDD rather than 4*SSD + 8*HDD. 
    • If a system with 10 or more HDDs is not available, configure the system with the highest number of HDDs possible. 
    • Erasure Coding: inline enabled (set by default during deployment)
      • Note inline EC has a 10-15% impact on write performance
  • Network: dual 25GbE generally recommended (but check calculation in “Network” section)

*Note that for sizings of less than 50TiB, Sizer does not not enforce the 10+ HDD rule. For these the minimum number of HDDs per node is lowered to 4 because nodes with 10+ HDDs would likely result in a cluster that is oversized from a capacity standpoint. Implicit in Sizer’s assumptions is that low capacity requirements on hybrid do not require much throughput. If you have a low capacity sizing that does require substantial throughput we advise going with all-flash.

NOTE: In Sizer to force a hybrid cluster output make sure “Hybrid” is selected under “Worker Node”. Sizer does not automatically choose between hybrid or all-flash for you. 

NUS Starter covers any Objects deployment on a hybrid system (whether shared or dedicated).

Why 10+ HDDs in a dedicated hybrid config? 

In the majority of today’s use cases objects tend to be large (>1.5MiB), meaning they result in sequential I/O on the Nutanix cluster. In response to this, Objects architecture is tuned to take advantage of the lowest tier. If there are HDDs in a node, Objects will automatically use them for sequential data, while leveraging the SSDs purely for metadata.  

There are 3 reasons for this; 

  1. Solid sequential I/O performance can be achieved with HDDs, assuming there are enough of them
  2. Objects deployments can be up to petabytes in size. At that sort of scale, cache or SSD hits are unlikely, so using SSDs in hopes of achieving accelerated performance through caching would provide little return on the additional costs. To keep the solution cost-effective, Objects minimizes SSD requirements by using SSDs for metadata, and only using for data if required.  
  3. Since we recommend a dual-socket 12-core CPU configuration, fewer SSDs also helps to avoid system work that would otherwise be incurred by having to frequently move data between tiers – the result is less stress on the lower CPU count. 

It however the workload is made up of mostly small objects, all-flash systems are significantly better at catering for the resulting random I/O, particularly if the workload is performance intensive. In all-flash environments both data and metadata will be placed on the SSDs/NVMes. 

For an Objects dedicated configuration (all-flash)

If all flash is the preference (increasingly common), any system with 3 or more SSD/NVMe devices is fine. If the all-flash nodes need to be storage dense we recommend the NX-8150-G9. From a compute standpoint, all-flash Objects clusters should have a minimum of:

  • CPU: dual-socket 20-core CPU (minimum) for all-flash configs
  • Memory: 128GB per node (minimum) 
  • Disk: For all flash configurations, systems with 3 SSDs/NVMes (or more) are recommended. 
  • Erasure Coding: inline enabled (set by default during deployment)
    • Note inline EC has a 10-15% impact on write performance
  • Network: quad 25GbE, dual 40GbE or higher generally recommended (but check calculation in “Network” section)

NOTE: In Sizer to force an all-flash cluster output make sure “All Flash” is selected under “Worker Node”. Sizer does not automatically choose between hybrid or all-flash for you. 

NUS Pro covers any Objects deployment on an all flash system (whether shared or dedicated).

For a mixed configuration (Objects coexisting with User VMs) 

Objects is supported on any model and any platform as long as it matches the minimum configurations listed below. 

  • CPU: at least 12 vCPUs are available per node
    • All node types with dual-socket CPUs are supported and preferred, though single CPUs with at least 24 cores are also supported 
  • Memory: at least 36GB available to Objects per node 
  • Disk: avoid hybrid configurations with only 2 HDDs per node and bear in mind that more HDD spindles means better performance.
    • Erasure Coding: Inline enabled (set by default during deployment)
      • Note inline EC has a 10-15% impact on write performance
  • Network: dual 25GbE recommended (but check calculation in “Network” section)

Both the NUS Starter and Pro licenses allow one User VM (UVM) per node. If taking advantage of this, ensure that there are enough CPU cores and memory on each node to cater for both an Objects worker and the UVM – and potentially also a Prism Central (PC) VM, unless PC is to be located on a different cluster. It’s important to understand that Nutanix Objects cannot be deployed without there being a Prism Central present somewhere in the environment.  


This section provides information on working out the network bandwidth (NIC speed and quantity) needed per node, given the customer’s throughput requirement and the number of load balancers in the deployment. Conversely, it can be used to work out how many load balancers are needed, particularly if the customer is limited to a particular speed of network. At the end of this section is a link to a spreadsheet that helps you perform these calculations.   

Note that Sizer does not perform these calculations. Sizer will statically configure all-flash Object nodes with 4 x 25GbE ports (two dual port cards). However, that might not be enough so it’s important that you do the performance calculations below and, if necessary, manually increase the NIC speed and/or quantity in Sizer as needed.

1. Firstly it’s important to be aware that for each put (write) request received by Objects there is 4x network amplification. The write path is as follows:

  • Client > Load Balancer (1) > Worker (2) > CVM (3) > RF write to another CVM (4) 

For each get (read) request received there is 3x amplification. The read path is as follows:

  • CVM > Worker (1) > Load Balancer (2) > Client (3)

So the total bandwidth needed to/from the object store is determined by the customer’s requested throughput multiplied by these factors in the correct proportions. The resulting overall bandwidth requirement is then spread across the load balancers – a relatively even distribution is assumed.

2. Take whatever % of the customer’s throughput is write IO (puts) – this is typically expressed in MB/s or GB/s – and multiply by 4 to account for the write amplification. Next, take whatever % of the customer’s throughput is read IO (gets) and multiply that by 3 to account for the read amplification. Combine the results and you have the overall throughput requirement to/from the cluster.


Customer requirement:

Throughput = 5 GB/s

% puts = 20

Write throughput = 1 GB/s  x 4 (amplification) = 4 GB/s

Read throughput = 4 GB/s  x 3 (amplification) = 12 GB/s

Total bandwidth to/from object store = 4 GB/s + 12 GB/s = 16 GB/s

3. Divide the overall throughput figure by the number of load balancers you plan to deploy. The result is the amount of network bandwidth needed per physical node.


4 Load Balancers

16 GB/s / 4 = 4 GB/s per node

4. Map this figure to the real world limits of NICs of varying speeds. These are listed below for your convenience.  Note that when 2 links are aggregated using LACP you do not get twice the bandwidth of a single link due to overheads. With 2 links in LACP you can assume ~20% bandwidth loss, with 4 you can assume ~40% loss. 

# links in LACP1 (no aggregation)24
Achievable GB/s1.11.82.7

Usable bandwidth with 10GbE 

# links in LACP1 (no aggregation)24
Achievable GB/s2.84.46.6

Usable bandwidth with 25GbE 

# links in LACP1 (no aggregation)24
Achievable GB/s4.47.010.4

Usable bandwidth with 40GbE 

# links in LACP1 (no aggregation)24
Achievable GB/s10.5*12.5 (not 16.8)*12.5 (not 25.2)

Usable bandwidth with 100GbE 

*At the time of writing OVS, the virtual switch architecture used by AHV/KVM, has a limit of 100Gb/s – this means the maximum network throughput a single node can handle is 12.5 GB/s. The configurations affected by this are 2x and 4x 100GbE links in LACP. There are future plans to lift this limit (roadmap item).


4 GB/s per node is needed. 

Each node needs 2 x 25GbE NICs (in LACP), which can do 4.4GB/s

This spreadsheet may help with the network bandwidth and load balancer calculations.

Sizing Use Cases 

Use Case: Backup 

Below is a Backup workload in Objects Sizer. In this scenario Nutanix Objects is used as a target to store backups sent from backup clients (i.e. the backup app).  

Note that the source data (i.e. the data being backed up) will not be located on the same physical cluster as Nutanix Objects, Objects is used as the backup disk target/repository. 

Considerations when sizing a backup workload 

  • Initial capacity – estimated initial capacity that will be consumed by backups stored on Nutanix Objects. 
  • Capacity growth – % growth of the backup data per time unit (e.g. years) over an overall specified length of time. 
  • Be cautious and do not attempt to cater for too long a growth period, otherwise the amount of capacity required due to growth could dwarf the amount of storage required on day one. Specifying a (for example) 10-year growth period undermines our fundamental pay-as-you-grow value. Plus of course growth predictions may not be entirely accurate in any case. 3 years is a typical growth period to size for. 
  • Do not enable Nutanix deduplication on any Objects workloads. 
  • Profile Info:
    • All values can be customized as required. 
    • Write (PUT) traffic usually dominates these environments as backups occur more regularly than restores (GETs). Furthermore, when restores do occur they are usually just reading a small subset of the backup.
      • That said, more and more customers are becoming increasingly concerned with how fast all their data could be restored in the event of a ransomware attack – so do check this with the customer
    • Backups usually result in sequential I/O so the requirement is expressed as MB/s throughput. Veeam is the one exception to this rule – discussed further below
    • Backups usually consist of large objects (with the exception of Veeam – discussed further below
    • “Sustained” only applies to small object (<1.5MB) puts. In a hybrid system, when the hot tier fills up the application I/O must wait while the data is drained from SSD/NVMe to HDD. This is why sustained small object put throughput is slower than burst small object put throughput. 
  • Replication Factor
    • When using nodes with large disks (12TB+) to achieve high storage density it’s recommended you use RF3 or, better still, 1N/2D if there are 100 or more disks in a single fault domain. This provides a higher level of resilience against disk failure. Disk failure is more likely in this scenario for two reasons:
      • The more disk hardware you have the greater the risk of a disk failure
      • Disks take longer to rebuild because they contain more data, thus the window of vulnerability is extended (to days rather than hours)
    • The larger drive capacities also mean there is a greater chance of encountering a latent sector error (LSE) during rebuild
    • This drives a real need for protection against dual disk failure – true regardless of whether the disks are HDD or SSD/NVMe.
    • 1N/2D coupled with wider EC strip sizes is preferred to RF3 due to it being more storage efficient
    • If you wish to stick with RF2, consider using multiple Objects clusters.
      • However each cluster will have its own N+1 overhead.

Special rules for Veeam 

Veeam is different from other backup apps in that it does not write large objects. With Veeam the object size is ~768KB, about a tenth (or less) of the size of objects generated by other backup apps. Therefore, for Veeam opportunities the specialized “Backup – Veeam” use case in Sizer should be selected. Note that small object performance requirements must be expressed in Sizer in requests/sec rather than MB/sec. Therefore some conversion may be required if the customer has provided a throughput number (the contrasting I/O gauges are discussed in the cloud-native apps section).

Because small objects will always hit the SSD/NVMe tier there is a danger the hot tier will fill up quickly causing Veeam to wait while the data is periodically drained to the HDDs. For this reason all-flash Objects is a better solution for Veeam, and is the default when the “Backup – Veeam” use case is selected.

Please see the Sizing Nutanix Object for Veeam guidance document.

Special rules for Commvault

If Commvault is the backup app, check whether the customer wishes to use both Commvault’s deduplication and WORM. If this is the case (and it often is), the storage requirement must be increased by 2.4x.

Please see the Sizing Nutanix Object for Commvault guidance document.

Use Case: Archive 

Archive is very similar to Backup and so the same advice applies. The profile values aren’t quite the same however, as you can see below. As with Backup though, these can be customized to the customer’s specific workload needs. 

Use Case: Cloud-Native Apps 

Cloud-native is a broad category covering a wide range of workload profiles. The I/O profile depends entirely on what the app in question has been designed to do, which could be anything. However, this category includes, among other things, containerized big data and analytics applications which tend to have intensive I/O requirements. For this reason, the default profile in Sizer (shown below) reflects a workload that’s performance sensitive in nature. Object size can also vary greatly in this category, but with many cloud-native workloads the object size will be much smaller than with backup and archive workloads, so the profile defaults to a small object size. Smaller objects result in random I/O rather than sequential, and when this is the case all flash nodes are an infinitely better choice than hybrid. Note that this random I/O value is expressed in Sizer in requests/sec, rather than the MB/sec throughput metric that’s used for large object sequential I/O. These metrics are consistent with how random and sequential I/O respectively are normally gauged in industry. 

When sizing Objects for a cloud-native app it’s important to try and find out from the customer what the I/O profile for the app is, then you can edit the I/O profile settings accordingly. This is especially important given the wide variance of cloud-native workloads types out there. In the absence of such information, all flash is a safer bet. 

There is also a “Number of Objects (in millions)” field for all workload types – this is typically most relevant to cloud-native workloads however, which can result in billions of objects needing to be stored and addressed. This value is used to determine how many Objects workers are needed to address the number of objects that will be stored. Thus, it could be that an Objects cluster sizing is constrained not by performance nor by capacity, but by metadata requirements. 

What’s Missing from Sizer Today? 

There are some sizing scenarios that are not currently covered by Objects Sizer. These are listed below, together with advice about what to do.

Sizing for intensive list activity

Szier cannot account currently for list activity. However, if you have been given a list requirement that you need to factor into your sizing, note that we have done benchmarking against list activity – the results can be viewed here.

Work with your local NUS SA to extrapolate these benchmarks to your customer’s requirement.

Objects sizes not currently represented in Sizer

Sizer currently only represents 128KB objects (small) and 8MB+ objects (large) – another object size is included (768KB) but it’s specifically for Veeam

Small and large object workloads have very different performance profiles. 

Objects from 8MB and above in size have a consistent performance profile, so select 8MB+ when you need to represent objects greater in size than 8MB, the output will be accurate. In Sizer, object size doesn’t matter above 8MB because you simply enter the overall throughput required (rather than requests/sec), together with the % puts (writes).

However, object sizes from 1KB right up to just under 8MB have logarithmically different performance profiles, meaning it is not easy to predict the performance of (for example) a 768KB object workload given what we know about 128KB performance and 8MB performance. Fortunately engineering has benchmark data for various object sizes other than 128KB and 8MB and this data can be used to identify a configuration that’s a closer fit to your customer’s specific object size.  Work with your local NUS SA if you have this requirement.  More object sizes will be added to Sizer in the future.

It’s worth noting that objects >1.5MiB in size are classed by AOS as sequential I/O and will go straight to the HDD tier whereas objects of 1.5MB or less are classed as random I/O and will go straight to the SSD/NVMe tier. Knowing your customer’s object size in light of this fact will help you understand whether hybrid or all-flash is likely to be the better option.

Veeam and Commvault

These backup apps have additional considerations that can significantly affect the Objects cluster specification. You should not expect a straightforward ‘vanilla’ Backup sizing to be appropriate for these. Veeam is less of a challenge to size given that Sizer has a specialist category for Veeam workloads (“Backup – Veeam”). We are hoping to add a specialist Commvault category to Sizer in the future. In any case, please refer to the below documents when sizing Veeam or Commvault. 

Visit the Sizing Nutanix Object for Veeam guidance document for more details.

Visit the Sizing Nutanix Object for Commvault guidance document.

If you have any doubts or difficulties sizing Objects, don’t hesitate to contact your local NUS Solution Architect (SA) for assistance. The SAs are listed here – https://ntnx-intranet–