Sizer 4.0 Introduction

Welcome to Sizer 4.0


What is Sizer 4.0

It is based on Sizer 3.0 which has been around 1 year and has had over 120,000+ sizings.  It is shift in how to think about defining the best solution for the customer.

Workloads first -> Solution second

Here you focus on the customer requirements the bulk of your time and then the solution with hardware is secondary.

Sizer 4.0 Demo


Sizer 4.0 Demo

Why Sizer 4.0

  • Nutanix is now a software company. Customers buy our clusters to run their key applications be it VDI, Oracle, Server Virtualization, etc.  Hardware is then a secondary concern.  Many vendors are supported.    Given that shift it makes sense to focus on
    • First focus on the workloads. Work in Sizer interactively with the customer to define their requirements with precision
    • Then focus on the solution which here means pull in the hardware. With Sizer 4.0, you can stay in the same scenario and switch from vendor to vendor
  • Advent of Collector-driven sizing. Collector is a bit over a year old and with 2.x is a formidable collection tool for customers with either VMWare clusters or Nutanix clusters.  There are many advantages to collector-driven sizing
    • Ultimate precision. Though our workload profiles have their place, far better for example to gather 7 days of performance data for 1000 VDI users then assume they fit in one of a few profiles.
    • Today we group VMs into 25 different buckets but in near future we will allow each VM to be its own workload and then could have 100s of workloads

How it works

Create the scenario

Just like before you enter in the name of the scenario, customer, opportunity, and the objectives.  Don’t the objectives are in the BOM for customer review

Create the Workloads


The first page is the Workloads tab.  You start with an empty canvas and can add workloads

  • Add will allow you to get to the workload modules.
  • Import will allow you to import from tools like Collector

All the same workloads are there for you

Conversely can just add them via collector


So here added a couple workloads manually


Worth noting is on right is the 3 dots to indicate actions like edit workload or clone workload.  On left is the slider to disable the workload.  Gone are the little tiles.  That simply won’t do if you have 100s of workloads.  We had that in Sizer 2.0 when typical scenario had 1 to 3 workloads.  The tiles were kind of cute then, but now unusable for where we see things going.

So here I made it more interesting by using collector to size lot of VM’s.  I want precision and so selected performance data and 95th percentile.  This means over a 7 day period we size to fit at least 95% of all the workload demands.  Remember it just takes Collector about 10 min to run at customer site and gets all its data from either VCenter or Prism.

So now we have sized 100s of VMs and put them into groups.  You can see that it is a lot easier to review as a table and not a bunch of tiles

Finalize the solution

Go the Solution tab on left and you see the solution.  Here it is for Nutanix.  You see all the familiar things like the dials, the sizing summary, and all options to edit the hardware

Want to go to new vendor – it is easy !!.  Pull down on upper right and then get to HP DX for example.  Here is same sizing but for DX


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